Declarative UI reference

Detailed reference to declarative XML, which is used in API Gateway to define the user interface of filters and dialogs within Policy Studio.

45 minute read

Declarative XML is a user interface markup language defining UI elements and bindings that allows you to quickly create dialogs within Policy Studio with minimal coding.

The defined elements map to Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) widgets and Axway ScreenAttributes (groups of SWT widgets backed by entity instances).

This topic describes in detail the UI elements and bindings.


The ActorAttribute tag renders an SWT Combo widget with an optional Label. The combo box is populated with the following entry: “Current Actor/Role only”. This is the default value for SOAP requests that contain a WS-Security block, and do not contain a SOAP Actor/Role attribute. An additional value can be entered if a WS_Security block with a specific Actor/Role is contained in the SOAP message.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout-data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

   <panel indent="15" margin="0">
     <ActorAttribute label="ACTOR_LABEL" field="actor" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ActorAttribute example


The AgeAttribute tag renders an SWT Label (optional), Text and Combo widgets, allowing you to specify a numeric age value, and select one of the following age types:

  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout-data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

  <panel columns="3" margin="0">
    <AgeAttribute field="maxAge" label="AGE_LABEL" required="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

AgeAttribute example


The AuthNRepositoryAttribute tag renders an SWT Combo widget with an optional Label.

Authentication repositories are grouped into different types and each type of authentication repository has an associated group of filter types they are compatible with. For example, “Local Repositories” instances are compatible with the following filter types:

  • HttpBasicFilter
  • HttpDigestFilter
  • WsBasicFilter
  • WsDigestFilter
  • WsUsernameFilter
  • AttributeAuthnFilter
  • FormAuthnFilter

The Combo widget is then populated with this list of instances that are compatible with this filter type.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
filterType When displaying the combo widget, only lists the authentication repositories which are compatible with this specific filter type. M -
refName Specifies Field value of the referenced entity that will be displayed in the Combo box. M -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required M -

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <AuthNRepositoryAttribute label="REPOSITORY_LABEL" field="repository"
   filterType="FormAuthnFilter" refName="name" required="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

AuthNRepositoryAttribute example


The binding tag allows you to create a binding between various widgets.

Attribute Description M/O Default
driver Specifies the name of the attributes that designate as drivers separated by commas. M -
driven Specifies a list of attributes separated by commas to be enabled/disabled. M -
class Specifies the name of the class that performs and controls the binding between attributes. M -
uncheckOverride This attribute only applies when using the Enabler class. It allows the Enabler to enable controls when a ButtonAttribute is not selected and disable them when a ButtonAttribute is selected. Specify ‘enabled’ to override the default Binding behavior.  O -

Sample XML\

The binding below specifies a binding between a and two attributes. The binding is controlled in the Enabler class.

 <ButtonAttribute field="sortFiles" label="SORT_FILES_LABEL"/>
 <panel columns="2" margin="0">
  <panel label="SORT_TYPE_LABEL" margin="0,0,0,7">
   <ComboAttribute field="sortType"  contentSource="com.vordel.client.manager.filter.dirscan.DirectoryScannerDialog.sortType"
    includeBlank="false" readOnly="true" required="true" stretch="true" />
  <panel label="SORT_DIRECTION_LABEL" margin="0,0,0,7">
   <ComboAttribute field="sortDirection" contentSource="com.vordel.client.manager.filter.dirscan.DirectoryScannerDialog.sortDirection"
    includeBlank="false" readOnly="true" required="true" stretch="true" />
   class="com.vordel.client.ui.declarative.Enabler" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

When the Sort files button is disabled the “Sort type” and “Sort direction” Combo boxes are disabled.

binding example (button disabled)

When the Sort files button is enabled they are enabled also.

binding example (button enabled)


The BitMaskAttribute tag renders a bank of SWT Button widgets, each with the SWT.CHECK style applied, and backed by the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
columns Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Columns represents the number of cell columns of the following GridLayout:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.numColumns = columns;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the field is required O false

Each item in the bitmask is represented declaratively as a choice tag, which is a child of BitMaskAttrbute. The following table outlines the choice attributes:

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Label to be displayed for the check box M -
value Integer value for this choice in the overall bitmask M -

Sample XML\

 <panel indent="15" margin="0">
  <BitMaskAttribute field="logMask" columns="3">
   <choice value="1" label="LOG_PAGE_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL"/>
   <choice value="2" label="LOG_PAGE_LOG_LEVEL_FAILURE"/>
   <choice value="4" label="LOG_PAGE_LOG_LEVEL_SUCCESS"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

BitMaskAttribute example


The button tag renders an SWT Button widget with the SWT.PUSH style applied.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Used internally for callback purposes to allow the extents of the scroll panel to be set correctly.
If an image is not specified, the label is also used as the text of the button.
M -
image Specifies the ID of the image to be used for the button. The ID must be specified in the file.
An image takes precedence over a label, so if both are specified the image will be displayed, rather than the text.
O -
tooltip Specifies the tooltip text. O -
style Specifies the style of the button. Possible values are:
  • check - renders a check box
  • radio - renders a radio button
  • push - renders a push button
O push
selected If the style attribute is specified and the value is set to “check” or “radio”, it specifies whether or not the button is selected.
Possible values are “true” and “false”.
C true

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <button image="browse" label="BROWSE_TIP" tooltip="BROWSE_TIP" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

button example


The ButtonAttribute tag renders an SWT Button widget with the SWT.PUSH style applied, and backed by the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies a textual label for the Button. M -
displayName Specifies the name of the Button to be displayed in the event of an error. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
on Specifies the attribute value when the Button is checked. O -
off Specifies the attribute value when the Button is unchecked. O -
required Specifies whether or not the field is required. O false
trackChanges Specifies whether or not changes will be tracked when the button state has changed. If set to “true” this calls the trackChange() method on the page on which the button is rendered. O false

Sample XML\

  <ButtonAttribute field="abort" label="ABORT_PROCESSING_LABEL" span="2"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ButtonAttribute example


The CategoryAttribute tag renders an SWT Combo widget with either the SWT.BORER or READ_ONLY style applied. It lists all the categories available.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies a textual label for the Combo. O -
readonly Specifies the style of the Combo. It can be either SWT.READ_ONLY or SWT.BORDER. O SWT.READ_ONLY

Sample XML\

 <CategoryAttribute label="LOG_CATEGORY_LABEL"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

CategoryAttribute example


The CertDNameAttribute tag renders a SWT Combo with a list of certificates.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. O -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label (to the left of the combo box) O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

 <CertDNameAttribute label="ISSUER_DNAME_LABEL"
  field="issuerName" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

CertDNameAttribute example


The certSelector tag renders a Label with an associated Button and read-only TextBox (which contains the alias of the selected certificate or (unset) if no certificate has been selected).

When the Button is clicked a certificate selection dialog similar to the following is displayed:

Certificate selection dialog

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies a textual label to appear above the table. O -
buttonOnRight Specifies whether or not the button is rendered to the right of the widgets. O false
view If “privateKey” is specified for this attribute the selection dialog that is displayed when the associated button is clicked will only display certificates that contain a private key. O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

  <certSelector label="SECURITY_SERVER_CERTIFICATE" field="sslCertificate"
   required="false" view="privateKey" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

certSelector example


The CertTreeAttribute tag renders a JFace TreeViewer, populated with certificate information read from the certificate store.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies a textual label to appear above the table. O -
multiSelect Specifies whether or not multiple certificates can be selected in the tree. O true
keysOnly Specifies whether or not to filter the tree and only show certificates that contain a private key. By default all certificates are displayed. O false
tableHeight Specifies a height hint for the table. O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

  <CertTreeAttribute label="SSL_CERTIFICATES_LABEL" field="sslUsers"
   required="false" multiSelect="false" keysOnly="true" tableHeight="300" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

CertTreeAttribute example


The CheckboxGroupAttribute tag renders an SWT Composite with zero or more Buttons (style = SWT.CHECK) defined using choice tags as children.

CheckboxGroupAttribute attributes

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
columns Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Columns represents the number of cell columns in the layout:
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
layout.numColumns = columns;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

choice attributes

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. M -
value Specifies one of the possible entity values for the ‘field’ defined in the CheckboxGroupAttribute tag. This value is tied to the button, and saved to the Entity if this button is selected. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1

Sample XML\

The following example represents the multi-valued “options” entity field, of which there are three possible values: “value1”, “value2”, and “custom”.

  • If the first check box button is selected (represented by the first choice tag) the “options” acquire the value “value1”.
  • If the second check box button is selected the “options” acquire the two values: “value1” and “value2”.
  • If all three check boxes are selected the “options” acquire all three values: “value1”, “value2” and “custom”.

The CheckboxGroupAttribute tag is not restricted to having only choice tags as children. A good candidate is the panel container tag, as outlined in the example below. When the ‘User Defined’ choice is selected the children of the subsequent panel are enabled automatically. When the ‘User Defined’ choice is unselected, these children are disabled automatically.

            <CheckboxGroupAttribute field="options" label="Select Values">
                <choice value="value1" label="Value1" />
                <choice value="value2" label="Value2" />
                <choice value="custom" label="User Defined" />
                    <panel indent="15" margin="0">
                        <TextAttribute field="custom" label="Value"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI.

The multi-valued “options” entity field has two values: “value1” and “value2”:

CheckboxGroupAttribute example

The multi-valued “options” entity field has two values: “value2” and “custom”:

CheckboxGroupAttribute example 2


The CircuitChainTable tag renders a Table widget. The table is populated with the field values of the backed entity.

Attribute Description M/O Default
flavor Specifies the type of entity that is backed by each Table entry in the rendered controls. M -
setOrderable Specifies whether the table has up and down buttons to traverse the entries. O true
setCapabilities Specifies the CRUD capabilities that are allowed. They are separated by a comma [ADD, EDIT, DELETE] O -

Sample XML\

  <CircuitChainTable flavor="OperationCircuitReference"
   setOrderable="false" setCapabilities="EDIT"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

CircuitChainTable example


The ComboAttribute tag renders an SWT Combo widget, backed by the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
contentSource Specifies a string array (Java String[]) or map (Java Map<>) with which to populate the combo box. M -
label Specifies a textual label to appear to the left of the Combo O -
includeBlank Specifies whether or not a blank item should be added as the first item to the combo box O false
readOnly Specifies whether or not the combo box is read-only; that is, whether or not the user can enter their own value as well as select from the drop-down list. O false
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false
stretch Specifies whether or not the combo box stretches to fill the available horizontal space O false

Sample XML\

 <group label="TRACE_SETTINGS_LABEL" columns="2" span="2">
  <ComboAttribute field="traceLevel" label="TRACE_LEVEL_LABEL"
   required="true" readOnly="true"
   contentSource="com.vordel.client.manager.filter.util.TraceHelper.logLevels" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ComboAttribute example


The comboBinding tag allows you to create a binding between various widgets.

Attribute Description M/O Default
driver Specifies the name of the ComboAttribute that designates as the driver. M -
driven Specifies a list of Attributes separated by ‘,’ to be enabled or disabled. M -
class Specifies the name of the class that will perform and control the binding between attributes. M -
valueSelected Designates the value to be initially selected. M null
enableDriven Specifies by default where the attributes will be enabled or disabled on startup. O true

Sample XML\

The binding below specifies a binding between a ComboAttribute and a TextAttribute.

 <ComboAttribute field="extractMethod"
  includeBlank="false" readOnly="true"
  required="true" stretch="true"/>
 <TextAttribute field="attributeName"
  valueSelected="1" enableDriven="false"/>  

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ComboAttribute example


The ComboStackPanel tag primarily renders an SWT Combo widget, backed by the specified entity field. If the tag contains panel children it also renders those controls as part of an SWT StackLayout control, with each panel being ‘flipped’ when the selection in the combo box changes.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered combo box. M -
label Specifies a textual label to appear to the left of the Combo O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false
span Value used in the creation of layout-data for the Combo.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <NameAttribute />
  <ComboStackPanel field="connectionType" label="FTP_UPLOAD_CONNECTION_TYPE_LABEL">
   <panel label="FTP" columns="2">
    <TextAttribute label="FTP_UPLOAD_SSL_PROTOCOL_LABEL" field="sslProtocol"/>

   <panel label="FTPS" columns="2">
    <TextAttribute label="FTP_UPLOAD_SSL_PROTOCOL_LABEL" field="sslProtocol"/>
    <ButtonAttribute label="FTP_UPLOAD_SSL_IS_IMPLICIT" field="isImplicit" />
    <tabFolder span="2">
       <CertTreeAttribute label="FTP_UPLOAD_SSL_TRUSTED_CERTS_LABEL"
        field="trustedCerts" required="false"
        tableHeight="100" />
       <CertTreeAttribute label="FTP_UPLOAD_SSL_CLIENT_CERTS_LABEL"
        field="clientCert" required="false"
        multiSelect="false" keysOnly="true"
        tableHeight="100" />  

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ComboStackPanel example

ComboStackPanel example


The Condition tag introduces control statements.

Attribute Description M/O Default
criteria Specifies the control statement. Currently “if” and “ifnot” are supported. M -
property Specifies a property value to be evaluated. M -
type Specifies the type of Condition. Currently only “JRE” is supported. O JRE
value Specifies the value of the property. If not specified an attempt is made to get the value of the property. O -

Sample XML\

 <Condition criteria="ifnot" property="httphostheader.disabled">
   <group label="HOST_HEADER_GROUP_NAME" columns="2" fill="false">
     <RadioGroupAttribute field="forwardClientHostHeader" columns="2">
       <choice value="1" label="HOST_HEADER_FROM_CLIENT"/>
       <choice value="0" label="HOST_HEADER_FROM_VORDEL" />
 </Condition> />

Rendered UI\

If the “httphostheader” property is not enabled nothing is displayed. If the “httphostheader” property is enabled it renders the following UI:

Condition example


The CronAttribute tag renders an SWT Button widget and a SWT Text widget, backed by the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies a textual label to appear to the left of the Combo. O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. M false

Sample XML\

   <CronAttribute field="expression"

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

CronAttribute example


The ContentEncodingAttribute tag renders an SWT Text widget and a SWT Button widget, backed by the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label (to the left of the Text box) O -
trackChanges Specifies whether or not changes will be tracked when the button state has changed. If set to “true” this will call the trackChange() method on the page on which the button is rendered O false
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

   <ContentEncodingAttribute field="inputEncodings"
    label="inputEncodings" trackChanges="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ContentEncodingAttribute example


The DirectoryChooser tag renders an SWT Label, Text and Button widget. When clicked, the button displays a directory browser to allow you to easily select a directory.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Text for the label to be displayed M -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

 <group label="LOCATION_LABEL" span="2">
  <panel columns="2">
   <TextAttribute field="fileName" label="FILENAME_LABEL" required="true" />
   <DirectoryChooser field="directory" label="DIRECTORY_LABEL" required="true"
    span="2" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

DirectoryChooser example


The ESPKReferenceSummaryAttribute tag renders an SWT Text and Button control. When clicked, the button displays a reference browser to allow you to easily select the required entity reference.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false
dialogTitle Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the title bar of the reference browser dialog. O -
displayName Specifies the ID of the resource containing the attribute/control name to be displayed in the event of an error. O -
selectableTypes Specifies the entity types (as a comma separated list) that are selectable in the TreeViewer displayed in the Reference Selector dialog. M -
searches Specifies the entity types (as a comma separated list) that are searchable for entities of those types specified by the “selectableTypes” attribute. M -

Sample XML\

  searches="EMSClientGroup" selectableType="EMSClient"
  dialogTitle="EMS_CLIENT_DIALOG_TITLE" required="true" span="2" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ESPKReferenceSummaryAttribute example

The following dialog is displayed when you click the browse button:

Dialog displayed on browse


The FieldTable tag renders an SWT TableViewer, along with a bank of buttons to allow you to enter a list of values, the type of which is based on the specified entity field.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Text for the label to be displayed. M -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
helpID Help identifier used for the Add/Edit dialogs associated with the table. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 2
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false
columnWidth Specifies the width of the column in the table. O 200
addDialogTitle Specifies the title of the dialog that appears when the ‘Add’ button is clicked. O ‘Add’
editDialogTitle Specifies the title of the dialog that appears when the ‘Edit’ button is clicked. O ‘Edit’
labelText Specifies the text that appears on the label on the Add and Edit dialogs. O ‘Value’

Sample XML\

   <panel columns="2">
     <TextAttribute field="cmdLine" label="CMD_LINE_LABEL" required="true" />
     <FieldTable field="arguments" label="ARGUMENTS_LABEL" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

FieldTable example


The FileChooserText tag renders an SWT Label, Text and Button widget. When clicked, the button displays a file browser to allow a user to easily select a file.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Text for the label to be displayed M -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

  <panel columns="2">
    <FileChooserText field="fileIn" label="FILE_LABEL" required="true" span="2" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

FileChooserText example


The group tag renders an SWT Group widget, which is usually used to group other widgets.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Used to give the group a visual name and also employed internally for binding purposes to allow the control and its children to be enabled/disabled. O -
columns Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Columns represent the number of cell columns of the following GridLayout:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.numColumns = columns;
O 1
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
margin Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Margin specifies the number of pixels to be used for the Composite. It can be specified as a single integer value whereby the following layout members will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.marginHeight = margin;
gridLayout.marginWidth = margin;
gridLayout.marginTop = margin;
gridLayout.marginBottom = margin;
gridLayout.marginLeft = margin;
gridLayout.marginRight = margin;

Margin can also be specified as a list of 4 integer values, whereby the following layout members will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(margin, “,”);
gridLayout.marginTop = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginBottom = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginLeft = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginRight = st.nextToken();
O 5
fill Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Fill specifies that the layout should resize the Composite to fill both horizontally and vertically, and, depending on its parent, should grow horizontally and vertically if the space is available. Fill is usually used in conjunction with “span”. Fill represents the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O true
verticalSpacing Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Specifies the number of pixels from the bottom edge of one cell and the top edge of its neighboring cell underneath:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.verticalSpacing = verticalSpacing;
O 5
indent Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Specifies the number of pixels of horizontal margin that will be placed along the left and right edges of the layout. The following layout member will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.marginWidth = indent;
O 0

Sample XML\

 <group label="LOG_PAGE_CATEGORY_LABEL" columns="2">
  <CategoryAttribute label="LOG_CATEGORY_LABEL" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

group example


The HTTPStatusTableAttribute tag renders a Table and a group SWT Buttons that appear as a Button bar. When clicked, the buttons display a dialog to add, edit, or delete a HTTP status code.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
tableHeight Specifies the preferred height of the control O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

  <HTTPStatusTableAttribute field="retryHTTPRanges" tableHeight="100" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:



The tag allows another declarative XML file to be included inline in the parent including XML file.

Attribute Description M/O Default
resource The name of the declarative XML file to be included inline in the declarative parent XML file. M  
class The class, including package, used to render the included resource. Any required string resources will need to be redefined in the local file. O  

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <include resource="AuditSettings-page.xml"


The label tag renders an SWT Label widget.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Label.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
bold Value used to specify whether or not the font is rendered bold. O false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <NameAttribute />
  <label label="FILE_TO_LOAD_SUMMARY" span="2" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

label example


The LifeTimeAttribute tag renders a Label, Text, and a group of Spin controls, representing a time span. This allows you to enter values for Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label to the left of all controls O -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required O false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <panel span="2" columns="3" margin="0">
   <LifeTimeAttribute label="VALIDITY_LABEL" field="validity" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

LifeTimeAttribute example


The NameAttribute tag renders an SWT Label and accompanying Text widget. It is used to wrap the following TextAttribute:

<TextAttribute field="name" label="NAME_LABEL" required="true" />

The label NAME_LABEL must exist in the appropriate file.

Sample XML\

  <panel columns="2">
    <NameAttribute />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

NameAttribute example


The MsgAttrAttribute tag renders an SWT Label and accompanying Combo widget populated with a list of Axway message attributes.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. M -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <MsgAttrAttribute field="sourceAttribute"
   label="STRING_REPLACE_SRC_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL" required="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

MsgAttrAttribute example


The MultiValueTextAttribute tag is similar to the TextAttribute tag in that it renders an SWT Text widget (and optionally, a Label widget), backed by the specified field for the entity being configured. The difference is that it caters for multiple values interspersed with the specified separator.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls.
The default value of the field will automatically appear in the Text widget.
M -
label Indicates that a Label should be rendered to the left of the Text widget.
The value of this field is set to a resource identifier, specified in a file.
O -
required Specifies whether or not the field is required. If required and the user does not enter a value, a warning dialog appears, prompting the user to enter a value for the field. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
If a single-line control is being rendered, the span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;

If multiline control is being rendered, the span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;
O 1
split Specifies the string used as a separator to the list of multiple values. O -

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <MultiValueTextAttribute field="extension" label="EXTENSION_LABEL"
   required="false" split=";"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

MultiValueTextAttribute example

In this case, EXTENSION_LABEL is resolved to the localized string “Extension:”.


The NumberAttribute tag renders an SWT Label and accompanying Text widget. The Text widget only accepts numbers as input.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. M -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
readOnly Specifies whether or not the Text widget is editable. O false
min Specifies the minimum permitted value for the number field. O 0
max Specifies the maximum permitted value for the number field. O 100
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <NameAttribute />
  <NumberAttribute field="pause" label="PAUSE_FOR_LABEL" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

NumberAttribute example


The panel tag renders an SWT Composite widget, which is usually used to group other widgets.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Used internally for binding purposes to allow the control and its children to be enabled/disabled. O -
columns Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Columns represents the number of cell columns of the following GridLayout:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.numColumns = columns;
O 1
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
margin Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Margin specifies the number of pixels to be used for the Composite. It can be specified as a single integer value whereby the following layout members will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.marginHeight = margin;
gridLayout.marginWidth = margin;
gridLayout.marginTop = margin;
gridLayout.marginBottom = margin;
gridLayout.marginLeft = margin;
gridLayout.marginRight = margin;

Margin can also be specified as a list of four integer values, whereby the following layout members will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
StringTokenizer st =new StringTokenizer(margin, “,”);
gridLayout.marginTop = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginBottom = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginLeft = st.nextToken();
gridLayout.marginRight = st.nextToken();
O 5
fill Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Fill specifies that the layout should resize the Composite to fill both horizontally and vertically, and, depending on its parent, should grow horizontally and vertically if the space is available. Fill is usually used in conjunction with “span”. Fill represents the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O true
verticalSpacing Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Specifies the number of pixels from the bottom edge of one cell and the top edge of its neighboring cell underneath.
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.verticalSpacing = verticalSpacing;
O 5
indent Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Specifies the number of pixels of the horizontal margin that will be placed along the left and right edges of the layout. The following layout member will be set:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.marginWidth = indent;
O 0
horizontalAlignment Possible values are:
  • “center” - SWT.CENTER
  • “right” - SWT.RIGHT

Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = SWT.CENTER;
verticalAlignment Possible values are:
  • “center” - SWT.CENTER
  • “bottom” - SWT.BOTTOM

Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.verticalAlignment = SWT.CENTER;
widthHint Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.widthHint = 200;
heightHint Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.heightHint = 300;
minWidth Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.minimumWidth = 300;
minHeight Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.minimumHeight = 300;

Sample XML\

 <panel span=”2” columns="2" indent=”15” margin=”0” label=”SETTINGS_PANEL”>
  <ReferenceSelector field="connectionFailurePolicy"

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

panel example


The PasswordAttribute tag renders an SWT Label and accompanying Text widget. The Text widget has its user-entered text masked with the * character.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false
widthHint Specifies the preferred width of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT
heightHint Specifies the preferred height of the control. O false
multiline Specifies whether the control is a multiline Text widget.
If this attribute is not present the control defaults to a single-line widget.
No masking occurs if this attribute is set to “true”. This restriction is coded in Text.setEchoChar();
O false
wrap Specifies whether the text should wrapped within the control.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
O false
vscroll Specifies whether a vertical scrollbar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false
hscroll Specifies whether a horizontal scrollbar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false

Sample XML\

 <group label="PROXY_SETTINGS_LABEL" columns="2" span="2">
  <TextAttribute field="username" label="PROXY_USERNAME_LABEL"/>
  <PasswordAttribute field="password" label="PROXY_PASSWORD_LABEL"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

PasswordAttribute example


The RadioGroupAttribute tag renders an SWT Composite with 0 or more Buttons (style = SWT.RADIO) defined using ‘choice’ tags as children.

RadioGroupAttribute – Available attributes

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
columns Value used in the creation of layout data for the Composite.
Columns represents the number of cell columns in the layout:
GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
layout.numColumns = columns;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

choice – Available attributes

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. M -
value Specifies one of the possible entity values for the ‘field’ defined in the RadioGroupAttribute tag. This value will be tied to the button, and saved to the Entity if this button is selected. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1

Sample XML\

The following example represents the “logMaskType” entity field, of which there are two possible values: “SERVICE” and “FILTER”. If the first radio button is selected (represented by the first ‘choice’ tag) the logMaskField will acquire the value “SERVICE”. If the second radio button is selected the logMaskField will acquire the value “FILTER”.

The RadioGroupAttribute tag is not restricted to just having ‘choice’ tags as children. A good candidate is the container tag, as outlined in the example below. When the ‘USE_FILTER’ choice is selected the children of the subsequent panel are enabled automatically. When the ‘USE_SERVICE’ choice is selected, these children are disabled automatically.

    <RadioGroupAttribute field="logMaskType" columns="1">
     <choice value="SERVICE" label="USE_SERVICE" />
     <choice value="FILTER" label="USE_FILTER" />
     <panel indent="15" margin="0">
         <BitMaskAttribute field="logMask" columns="3">
        <choice value="1" label="LEVEL_FATAL"/>
        <choice value="2" label="LEVEL_FAILURE"/>
        <choice value="4" label="LEVEL_SUCCESS"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

RadioGroupAttribute example

RadioGroupAttribute example


The ReferenceSelector tag renders an SWT Label, Text and Button control. When clicked, the button displays a reference browser to allow you to easily select the required entity reference.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false
title Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the title bar of the reference browser dialog. M -
widthHint Specifies a width hint of reference browser. O SWT.DEFAULT
displayName Specifies the ID of the resource containing the attribute or control name to be displayed in the event of an error. O -
selectableTypes Specifies the entity types (as a comma separated list) that are selectable in the TreeViewer displayed in the Reference Selector dialog. M -
searches Specifies the entity types (as a comma separated list) that are searchable for entities of those types specified by the “selectableTypes” attribute. M -
trackChanges Specifies whether or not to track selection changes. O false

Sample XML\

 <panel span="2" columns="2" indent="15" margin="0" label="SETTINGS_PANEL">
  <ReferenceSelector field="connectionFailurePolicy"

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

ReferenceSelector example

The following dialog is displayed when the browse button is clicked:

Dialog displayed on browse


The SamlAttribute tag renders a SWT Combo with a list of SAML versions.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. O -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label (to the left of the combo box). O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

  field="samlVersion" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SamlAttribute example


The SamlSubjectConfirmationAttribute tag renders a SWT Combo with a list of available SAML subject confirmation methods. The Attribute is very specific to using the SAML filter. You can only have one SamlSubjectConfirmationAttribute per window.

When a SAML assertion is consumed by a downstream web service, the information contained in the SubjectConfirmation block can be used to authenticate the end-user that authenticated to the API Gateway, or the issuer of the assertion, depending on what is configured.

The following table shows the available methods and their meanings :

Method Meaning
Holder Of Key The API Gateway includes the key used to prove that the API Gateway is the holder of the key, or it includes a reference to the key.
Bearer The subject of the assertion is the bearer of the assertion.
SAML Artifact The subject of the assertion is the user that presented a SAML Artifact to the API Gateway.
Sender Vouches Use this confirmation method to assert that the API Gateway is acting on behalf of the authenticated end user. No other information relating to the context of the assertion is sent. It is recommended that both the assertion and the SOAP Body are signed if this option is selected. If the Method field is blank then no ConfirmationMethod block is inserted into the assertion.
Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Combo.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
columns Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite.
Columns represents the number of cell columns of the following GridLayout:
GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout();
gridLayout.numColumns = columns;
O 2

Sample XML\

  <SamlSubjectConfirmationAttribute label="SAML_SUBJECT_CONF_METHOD_LABEL"
   required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SamlSubjectConfirmationAttribute example


The scrollpanel tag renders an SWT ScrolledComposite widget. When rendered the control automatically calculates the extent of its children so that the scroll bars are rendered correctly.

To facilitate ease-of-use, one of the following tags must be a direct child of scrollpanel:

  • panel
  • group
  • tabFolder
Attribute Description M/O Default
label Used internally for callback purposes to allow the extents of the scrollpanel to be set correctly. M -
widthHint Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.widthHint = 200;
heightHint Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.heightHint = 300;
minWidth Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.minimumWidth = 300;
minHeight Value used in the creation of the layout data for the Composite:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.minimumHeight = 300;

Sample XML\

  <panel columns="2">
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />
    <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

scrollpanel example


The section tag renders an SWT ExpandableComposite widget, which allows for groups of controls to be expanded or hidden from view.

To facilitate ease-of-use, one of the following tags must be a direct child of section:

  • panel
  • group
  • tabFolder
Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the text heading of the section. M -
expanded Specifies whether or not the section is expanded. O false

Sample XML\

 <section label="RS_STATUS_LABEL" expanded="true">
  <panel columns="2">
   <TextAttribute field="name" label="RS_STATUS_LABEL" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

section example

The section can also be collapsed as follows:

section example (collapsed)


The SigningKeyAttribute tag renders a SWT Radio Button and a Tab Folder which has three tabs whose content includes SWT Buttons, Radio Buttons, Combo boxes, and so on.

Attribute Description M/O Default
subjectConfirmationNote Specifies whether a generic signing panel is displayed or a specific SAML signing panel is displayed. By default the generic signing panel is displayed. O false
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\


Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SigningKeyAttribute example


The SizeAttribute tag renders an SWT Label (optional), Text, and Combo widgets, allowing you to specify a numeric size value, and select one of the following age types:

  • Kb
  • Mb
  • Gb
Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="3" margin="0">
   <SizeAttribute field="maxDbSize" label="OPDB_MAX_DB_SIZE_LABEL" required="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SizeAttribute example


The renders a SWT Combo  that shows a list of entities of a certain type.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
refName Specifies Field value of the referenced entity that is displayed in the Combo box. M -
displayName Specifies the name of the SoftRefListAttribute to be displayed in the event of an error. O -
src Specifies the Shorthand Key to get the list of referenced entities of a particular type. M -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. M false

Sample XML\

  field="repository" refName="name"
  src="/[AuthnRepositoryGroup]name=Authentication Repositories/[AuthnRepositoryBaseGroup]allowedFilter=WsUsernameFilter/[AuthnRepositoryBase]" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SoftRefListAttribute example


The SoftRefTreeAttribute renders a jFace TreeViewer that shows the policies of a certain type.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
searches Comma separated list of Portable ESPKs. It will then display all the entities represented by each Portable ESPK. M -
selectableTypes Specifies the type of entities that are selectable. M -
displayName Specifies the name of the SoftRefTreeAttribute to be displayed in the event of an error. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
GridData gridData = new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH);
gridData.horizontalSpan = 1;
O 1
width Specifies the preferred width of the control. O 300
height Specifies the preferred height of the control. O 300

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <group label="POP_POLICY_LABEL" span="1" columns="1">
   <SoftRefTreeAttribute field="filterCircuit"

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SoftRefTreeAttribute example

In this case, POP_POLICY_LABEL is resolved to the localized string “Policy to use”.


The SpinAttribute tag renders an SWT Text widget (and optionally, a Label widget), along with two buttons, one for incrementing the current entity value, and one for decrementing the value.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls.
The default value of the field will automatically appear in the Text widget.
M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label (to the left of the spin control). O -
required Specifies whether or not the field is required. If required and the user doesn’t enter a value, a warning dialog will appear, prompting the user to enter a value for the field. O -
rangeMin Specifies the minimum value for the permitted range for the entity value. rangeMax must also be present for the range to be set correctly. C -
rangeMax Specifies the maximum value for the permitted range for the entity value. rangeMin must also be present for the range to be set correctly. C  
unitLabel Additional label to appear to the right of the spin control. Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="7">
  <SpinAttribute field="hrs" label="HOUR" required="true"
   rangeMin="0" rangeMax="23" />
  <SpinAttribute field="mins" label="MIN" required="true"
   rangeMin="0" rangeMax="59" />
  <SpinAttribute field="secs" label="SEC" required="true"
   rangeMin="0" rangeMax="59" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

SpinAttribute example


The tab tag renders an SWT TabItem widget. They must be direct children of the tabFolder.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the TabItem. M -

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2" span="2">
  <tabFolder span="2">
   <tab label="CERTS">
   <tab label="SSL">

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

tab example


The tabFolder tag renders an SWT TabFolder widget used to house TabItems (generated by using tab tags as children).

Attribute Description M/O Default
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2" span="2">
  <tabFolder span="2">
   <tab label="CERTS">
   <tab label="SSL">

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

tabFolder example


The TablePage tag renders a jFace TableViewer that represents a list of entities of the specified type. These entities can be added, edited, and deleted using the available buttons.

Attribute Description M/O Default
type Specifies the type of the entity that is represented by the table. M -
dialogClass Specifies the full name of the Java class used to implement the dialog employed to add/edit items in the table. M -
columnProperties Specifies a comma-separated list of entity fields to be displayed in table columns. M -
sortColumns Specifies a comma-separated list of columns to make sortable. M -
columnResources Specifies a comma-separated list of resource IDs (from a file) that resolve to the text to be displayed on the table columns. M -
columnWidths Specifies a comma-separated list of column widths. M -
deleteText Specifies the resource ID that resolves to the text to be displayed to the user when an item from the table is about to be deleted. M -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1
dialog.setFlavor Specifies a declarative XML file to use to construct the dialog used to add or edit the entities for this table. O -
tableHeight Specifies the preferred height of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <TablePage type="Property"
   columnProperties="name,value" sortColumns="name,value"
   columnResources="COLUMN_VARIABLE,COLUMN_VALUE" columnWidths="300,200"
   dialog.setFlavor="environment_variable_dialog.xml" />

Sample dialog flavor XML

<panel columns="2">
 <TextAttribute field="name" label="NAME_LABEL" required="true"/>
 <TextAttribute field="value" label="VALUE_LABEL" required="false"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

TablePage example

The dialog is rendered as follows:

TablePage dialog example


The text tag renders an SWT Text widget.

Attribute Description M/O Default
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label. O -
multiline Specifies whether the control is a multiline Text widget.
If this attribute is not present the control defaults to a single-line widget.
O false
wrap Specifies whether the text should be wrapped within the control.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false
readOnly Specifies whether or not the Text widget is read-only. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
If a single-line control is being rendered, span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;

If a multiline control is being rendered, span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;
O 1
widthHint Specifies the preferred width of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT
heightHint Specifies the preferred height of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT
vscroll Specifies whether a vertical scroll bar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C -
hscroll Specifies whether a horizontal scroll bar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C -

Sample XML\

 <text label="KEYPAIRS_PUBLICKEY_LABEL" multiline="true" vscroll="true"
  wrap="true" heightHint="100" widthHint="350" readOnly="true"/>

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

text example


The TextAttribute tag renders an SWT Text widget (and optionally, a Label widget), backed by the specified field for the entity being configured.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls.
The default value of the field will automatically appear in the Text widget.
M -
label Indicates that a Label should be rendered to the left of the Text widget.
The value of this field is set to a resource identifier, specified in a file.
O -
readOnly Specifies whether or not the Text widget is read-only. O -
required Specifies whether or not the field is required. If required and the user does not enter a value, a warning dialog appears, prompting the user to enter a value for the field. O -
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the controls that are rendered.
If a single-line control is being rendered, span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;

If multiline control is being rendered, span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.verticalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.grabExcessVerticalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = colSpan;
O 1
widthHint Specifies the preferred width of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT
heightHint Specifies the preferred height of the control. O SWT.DEFAULT
multiline Specifies whether the control is a multiline Text widget.
If this attribute is not present the control defaults to a single-line widget.
O false
wrap Specifies whether the text should be wrapped within the control.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false
vscroll Specifies whether a vertical scroll bar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false
hscroll Specifies whether the a horizontal scrollbar should be rendered.
This attribute is conditional on the multiline attribute being present and set to true.
C false

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

TextAttribute example

In this case, EXCEPTION_NAME is resolved to the localized string “Name:”.


The ui tag is the root of a declarative XML document.

This tag does not require any attributes.

Sample XML\

 <panel columns="2">
  <TextAttribute field="name" label="EXCEPTION_NAME" required="true" />


The validator tag is used to include a validator class.

Attribute Description M/O Default
class Specifies the full name of the Java class used to validate input. M -

Sample XML\

 <validator class="com.vordel.client.manager.filter.dirscan.DirectoryScannerDialogValidator" />


The XPathAttribute tag renders an SWT Combo widget and three SWT Button widgets within an SWT Composite displayed as a Button bar.

Attribute Description M/O Default
field Specifies the name of the field of the entity backed by the rendered controls. M -
xpathGroup Specifies the entity type of all XPath expressions to be displayed. M -
label Specifies the ID of the resource containing the text to display on the Label (to the left of the combo box). O -
required Specifies whether or not the entity field is required. O false
span Value used in the creation of layout data for the Button.
Span represents the horizontal span of the following GridData:
GridData gridData = new GridData();
gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
gridData.horizontalSpan = span;
O 1

Sample XML\

 <XPathAttribute field="insertTokenLocationXPath"
  xpathGroup="XPathTokenInsertionLocationGroup" />

Rendered UI\

The above XML renders the following UI:

XPathAttribute example