Continuous integration tools reference

Continuous integration tools command options.

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projpack command options

The projpack command options are described as follows:

Option Description
--help, -h Display help message and exit.
--create, -c Create a new configuration package (.pol, .env, or .fed) from an API Gateway project.
--import, -i Import project configuration into an existing configuration package (.pol, .env, or .fed).
--name, -n Name of the configuration package. Possible values are the file name, and the directory path and file name for --import. When used with --create this is the name of the configuration package to be created (for example, myarchive). When used with --import this is the name of the configuration package to import into (for example, /temp/dev.pol). This option is required.
--replace, -r Replace conflicts when --add is specified. You must specify --replace before --add. If there is a conflict, and --replace is not specified, projpack exits.
--printDiffs Print a tree with the changes for every project as it is added to the package.
--passfile, -f File that contains the project and target configuration package passphrases. You can use this option instead of the --passphrase (or --passphrase-none) and --projpass (or --projpass-none) options.
--projpass Passphrase used to encrypt projects specified by --add option. This can be any text. This option is required for projects specified by --add, or you can use --projpass-none to specify a zero-length passphrase.
--passphrase Passphrase used to encrypt the generated target configuration package. This can be any text. This option is required, or you can use --passphrase-none to set a zero-length passphrase.
--dir, -d Full output directory path to the generated target configuration package. Defaults to the current directory. You can also use this option with --import to specify the full directory path of the configuration package to import into.
--type, -t The generated configuration package type (pol, env, or fed). A pol and env file are generated by default. You can also use this option with --import to specify the type of the configuration package to import into.
--polprop Policy metadata added to the policy manifest for the generated target configuration package (for example, --polprop=createdBy:joebloggs).
--envprop Environment metadata added to the environment manifest for the generated target configuration package (for example, --envprop="envCreationTime:\$(date +'%c')").
--tracelevel Trace level for the generated trace file. Supported trace levels are FATAL, ALWAYS, ERROR, INFO, MIN, DEBUG, VERBOSE. The default is INFO.
--tracedir Directory to write trace files to. The default is none.
--add, -a List of projects to merge into the configuration package. You must specify a passphrase for each list of projects with the --projpass option (or use --projpass-none). Use a space to separate multiple projects.

--add parameter example

To specify two projects with the same passphrase and one project with a different passphrase:

--add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj1 /home/user1/apiprojects/proj2 --projpass=testa --add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj3 --projpass=testb

To specify two projects with the same passphrase and two projects with no passphrase:

--add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj1 /home/user1/apiprojects/proj2 --projpass=testa --add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj3 /home/user1/apiprojects/proj4 --projpass-none

For example, to specify four projects with all passphrases in a passphrase file:

--add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj1 -add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj2 --add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj3 --add /home/user1/apiprojects/proj4 --passfile=/home/user1/passfile.txt

projdeploy command options

The projdeploy command options are described as follows:

Option Description
--help, -h Display help message and exit.
--dir, -d Directory where the configuration package is located and modified. Defaults to the current directory.
--name, -n Name of configuration package to deploy (for example, for dev.fed or dev.pol file, specify dev). This option is required.
--type, -t Type of configuration package to deploy (for example, pol or fed). Defaults to pol.
--apply-env, -e Name of environment package (.env) to apply to the configuration package being deployed (for example, /temp/dev.env).
--passphrase Encryption passphrase for the source configuration. This can be any text. This option is required, or you can use --passphrase-none to specify a zero-length passphrase.
--change-pass-to Encryption passphrase for the target configuration. This can be any text. You can also use --change-pass-to-none to set a zero-length passphrase.
--polprop Policy metadata added to the policy manifest for the configuration package (for example, --polprop=createdBy:joebloggs).
--envprop Environment metadata added to the environment manifest for the configuration package (for example, --envprop="envCreationTime:\$(date +'%c')").
--deploy-to Deploys a specified configuration package to a specified Admin Node Manager server.
--host-name Use with --deploy-to option to specify Admin Node Manager host name to deploy configuration to.
--port Use with --deploy-to option to specify Admin Node Manager port number to connect to.
--user-name Use with --deploy-to option to specify user name for authentication.
--password Use with --deploy-to option to specify user password for authentication.
--truststore-file File name for the SSL certificate truststore that holds all trusted SSL certificates. Defaults to trusting all.
--truststore-password Truststore file password that holds all trusted SSL certificates.
--group, -g Use with --deploy-to option to specify API Gateway group name to deploy configuration to.
--includes, -i Use with --deploy-to option to specify a list of names of API Gateway instances to deploy to. Alternatively, you can specify a list of API Gateways to exclude with the --excludes option.
--excludes, -x Use with --deploy-to option to specify a list of names of API Gateway instances not to deploy to. Mutually exclusive with the --includes option.
--tracelevel Trace level for the generated trace file. Supported trace levels are FATAL, ALWAYS, ERROR, INFO, MIN, DEBUG, VERBOSE. The default is INFO.
--tracedir Directory to write trace files to. The default is none.

projchangepass command options

The projchangepass command options are described as follows:

Option Description
--help, -h Display help message and exit.
--proj Directory where the project is located.
--oldpass The old project passphrase.
--newpass The new project passphrase.
--confirmpass Confirm the new project passphrase.
--passfile File that contains the projects passphrases.
--tracelevel Trace level for the generated trace file. Supported trace levels are FATAL, ALWAYS, ERROR, INFO, MIN, DEBUG, VERBOSE. The default is INFO.
--tracedir Directory to write trace files to. The default is none.

projupgrade command options

The projupgrade command options are described as follows:

Option Description
--help, -h Display help message and exit.
--projdir Directory containing the projects to be upgraded (for example, /home/user1/apiprojects). This option is required.
--backupdir Directory into which projects are copied before upgrade begins. This directory is created if it does not exist. If this option is not specified a backup is not created.
--projpass Encryption passphrase for the projects to be upgraded. You can use the --passfile option to override this passphrase for individual projects. If passphrases are not specified using this option or --passfile, the command uses a zero-length string as the passphrase.
--passfile File that contains the project passphrases.
--tracelevel Trace level for the generated trace file. Supported trace levels are FATAL, ALWAYS, ERROR, INFO, MIN, DEBUG, VERBOSE. The default is INFO.
--tracedir Directory to write trace files to. This directory is created if it does not exist. The default is the current directory.
--noGeneratedPolicies The default Generated Policies container is not added to projects when this option is specified.