API Gateway post-upgrade scripts

List of API Gateway scripts that you must run after upgrading or patching your product.

6 minute read

After upgrading or applying a patch your API Gateway, you must run some scripts to fix issues or security vulnerabilities. This section lists the scripts and their updates from 7.5.3 SP1 to 7.7.0, that you must run.


This script must be executed after applying a service pack (SP) for and API Gateway server installation. It mainly performs the following:

  • Runs updateNodeConfig, which updates node manager configuration. In the Protect Management Interfaces policy, it changes the success node of Check Session to RBAC, removes the relative path /api/rbac/logout filter, and removes the End Session filter.
  • Removes old API Gateway and third-party jars.
  • Copies and renames some files, for example, conf/acl.json.

The following table list the changes in the apigw_sp_post_install.sh across API Gateway versions:

Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.7.0 SP1 27-Aug-2019 Removes old 7.7.0 & third-party jars, update conf/acl.json, old acl.json renamed to acl.json.bak
7.7.0 SP2 20-Dec-2019 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.7.0 SP20200130 06-Feb-2020 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.7.0 SP20200331 31-Mar-2020 Fix group password stored in clear, executes updatePassphrases.py to update NM service config, list of jars to remove extended.
7.7.0 SP20200530 27-May-2020 Script was replaced by update_gw.sh script.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.6.2 SP1 31-Oct-2018 Removes old 7.6.2 & third-party jars, update conf/acl.json, old acl.json is renamed to acl.json.bak
7.6.2 SP2 14-Dec-2018 -
7.6.2 SP3 17-Apr-2019 List of jars to remove was extended
7.6.2 SP4 19-Jul-2019 Fix traffic monitoring enabling recording of payload data, update NM ES configuration, runs updateNodeConfig.py, list of jars to remove was extended.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.5.3 SP1 14-Jun-2017 Script removes old 7.5.3 jars.
7.5.3 SP2 31-Jul-2017 -
7.5.3 SP3 01-Oct-2017 Added removal of third-party jar files.
7.5.3 SP4 02-Nov-2017 -
7.5.3 SP5 19-Jan-2018 List of jars to remove was extended, cassandra jars added.
7.5.3 SP6 23-Mar-2018 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP7 08-Jun-2018 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP8 23-Aug-2018 Update conf/acl.json, old acl.json renamed to acl.json.bak
7.5.3 SP9 15-Nov-2018 Fixes APIGW login error from SP8, list of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP10 20-Feb-2019 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP11 24-Jun-2019 Fix traffic monitoring enabling recording of payload data, updated NM ES configuration, runs updateNodeConfig.py, list of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP12 25-Oct-2019 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3 SP13 01-May-2020 Deletes system\lib\jython\Lib\this.py, fixes post install bug from SP12, list of jars to remove was extended.


This script must be executed after applying service pack (SP) for an API Gateway Analytics installation. It mainly performs the following:

  • Runs updateAnalyticsConfig.py, which updates the fed/configs.xml file to add default classes and packages into the Management API Servlet settings.
  • Removes old API Gateway and third-party jars, jQuery files, CPP libraries.

The following table list the changes in the apigw_analytics_sp_post_install.sh across API Gateway versions:

Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.7.0SP1 27-Aug-2019 Removes old 7.5.3 jars instead of 7.7.0 (bug), executes updateAnalyticsConfig.py to update ES configuration fed/configs.xml, adds default classes/packages to Mgmt API Servlet Settings.
7.7.0SP2 20-Dec-2019 Removes correct 7.7.0 jars, fix defect when upgrading from SP3 to SP4, list of jars to remove was extended.
7.7.0_SP20200130 06-Feb-2020 Fixes apigw_analytics_sp_post_install.sh works, but returns an error, script updated for OneVersion
7.7.0_SP20200331 31-Mar-2020 List of jars to remove extended.
7.7.0_SP20200530 27-May-2020 List of jars to remove extended.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.6.2SP1 31-Oct-2018 Script does not exist.
7.6.2SP2 14-Dec-2018 Script does not exist.
7.6.2SP3 17-Apr-2019 Script was added, it removes old 7.6.2 jars and jquery .js files.
7.6.2SP4 19-Jul-2019 Added list of third-party jars to remove, executes updateAnalyticsConfig.py to update ES configuration fed/configs.xml, adds default classes/packages to Mgmt API Servlet Settings.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.5.3SP1 14-Jun-2017 Script removes old 7.5.3 jars, executes updateAnalyticsConfig.py to update ES configuration in conf/listenersStore.xml
7.5.3SP2 31-Jul-2017 Added removal of third-party jar files.
7.5.3SP3 01-Oct-2017 List of jars to remove was extended, cassandra jars added.
7.5.3SP4 02-Nov-2017 -
7.5.3SP5 19-Jan-2018 Removes unused cpp libraries, list of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3SP6 23-Mar-2018 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3SP7 08-Jun-2018 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3SP8 23-Aug-2018 -
7.5.3SP9 15-Nov-2018 Removes jQuery files, list of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3SP10 20-Feb-2019 List of jars to remove was extended, updateAnalyticsConfig.py script modified to add default classes/packages to Mgmt API Servlet Settings.
7.5.3SP11 24-Jun-2019 List of jars and jQuery files to remove was extended, list of default classes was extended in updateAnalyticsConfig.py script
7.5.3SP12 25-Oct-2019 List of jars to remove was extended.
7.5.3SP13 01-May-2020 Fix defect when upgrading from SP3 to SP4, deletes system\lib\jython\Lib\this.py, fix post install bug from SP12, list of jars to remove was extended.


This script updates the active deployment in the API Manager group. After running the script, you must recreate the API Manager project (common project, containing Server Settings) from the deployment. Its main goal is to remove availability of the static files used in API Manager UI:

  • /home
  • /login-failed
  • /password-reset
  • /registration-success
  • /lib/jquery-2.2.4.min.js
  • /logout
  • /registration-failed
  • /registration-success
  • /request-forgotten-pw-failed
  • /request-forgotten-pw-success
  • /reset-forgotten-pw-failed

This script performs the following:

  • Removes “API Portal” and “OAuth 2.0 Services” StaticFile entities.
  • Verifies that the “OAuth” entities (for servlet service=“OAuth 2.0 Services” and version “v1.2” and version=“1.3”) contain the com.vordel.apiportal.api.portal.v1_2 and com.vordel.apiportal.api.portal.v1_3 variables in the jersey.config.server.provider.packages property.
  • Verifies that system/conf/apiportal/portal.xml and system/conf/apiportal/oauthupdate.xml files exist.
  • Removes the API Manager Protection policy and any references to it.
  • Imports config in system/conf/apiportal/portal.xml and system/conf/apiportal/oauthupdate.xml.
  • If using the --group parameter, deploy the updated config to the group.
  • Writes the updated fed file to the output archive specified via --oa parameter if not using the --group parameter.

This script was removed in 7.6.2 SP1 and SP2, it was moved into migration steps for API Portal Configuration. Then, it was added back in 7.6.2 SP3.

The following table list the changes in the update-apimanager.py across API Gateway versions:

Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.7.0SP1 27-Aug-2019 Script was added.
7.7.0SP2 20-Dec-2019 -
7.7.0_SP20200130 06-Feb-2020 Fixed script error when updating Client App Registry.
7.7.0_SP20200331 31-Mar-2020 -
7.7.0_SP20200530 27-May-2020 UX was improved; added option that allows user to specify project directory to run update.
7.7.0_SP20200930 30-Sep-2020 Updates to API Manager are applied via config upgrade in the Service Pack, through Policy Studio upgrade, or the projupgrade and upgrade-policy tools.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.6.2SP1 31-Oct-2018 Script was removed, migration step for PortalConfiguration was added.
7.6.2SP2 14-Dec-2018 -
7.6.2SP3 17-Apr-2019 Script was added again.
7.6.2SP4 19-Jul-2019 Fixed script failing when a group was protected with a passphrase.
Version /Service pack Date Changes in script
7.5.3SP1 14-Jun-2017 Script does not exist.
7.5.3SP2 31-Jul-2017 Script was added to protect Static Content in API Manager resources.
7.5.3SP3 01-Oct-2017 -
7.5.3SP4 02-Nov-2017 -
7.5.3SP5 19-Jan-2018 Fixed insecure password submission bug from SP2, APIMGR Static Content can only be accessed via GET Http Method and return 403 Bad Request for requests with query parameters
7.5.3SP6 23-Mar-2018 -
7.5.3SP7 08-Jun-2018 OAuth-Services requests allowed directory listing for non-logged users.
7.5.3SP8 23-Aug-2018 -
7.5.3SP9 15-Nov-2018 -
7.5.3SP10 20-Feb-2019 Script refactored; added verbose output when –debug option is used.
7.5.3SP11 24-Jun-2019 Fixed customizing headers in APIMGR bug, fixed script failing when a group was protected with a passphrase.
7.5.3SP12 25-Oct-2019 -
7.5.3SP13 01-May-2020 Fixed Client App Registry not being able to update after an SP was applied bug.