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Miscellaneous commonly used formats.

Common Date and Time Format for Responses

All date-time instances in responses share the same format, as per RFC 3339.

Format: date-time, with time-offset utilizing the time-numoffset definition.

Example: 2020-03-11T08:38:11.000+0000.

Common Date Format for Responses

All date instances in responses share the same format, as per profile of ISO 8601 at RFC 3339.

Format: full-date utilizing the date-fullyear "-" date-month "-" date-mday definition.

Example: 2024-05-21.

Common Date and Time Format for Requests

All date-time instances in requests need to adhere to the following format, as per RFC 3339.

Format: date-time, with time-offset set to Z.

Example: 2020-03-01T01:02:03Z.