
The API requires an access token to be included in each request.

Access tokens can be obtained using a service account added in the Amplify Platform. For details on how to add a service account, please refer to Managing service accounts.

Obtain an access token

The example below assumes a service account created with its authentication method set to Client Secret. The example client ID will be example-client-id and the client secret will be example-client-secret. Please replace with the corresponding values for your service account.


curl \
-d'grant_type=client_credentials' \
-d'client_id=example-client-id' \
-d'client_secret=example-client-secret' \


  "access_token": "example-access-token",
  "expires_in": 1800,
  "refresh_expires_in": 0,
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "not-before-policy": 1571719187,

Issue a request to the API

The example below uses an access token of value example-access-token. Please replace with an actual access token obtained as shown in the previous section.


curl \
-H'Authorization: Bearer example-access-token' \


  "limit": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "cases": [
      "caseNumber": "NNNNNNNN",
      "closedDate": "2021-07-22T12:32:55.000+0000",
      "createdDate": "2021-07-22T12:32:36.000+0000",
      "modifiedDate": "2021-07-22T12:32:57.000+0000",
      "severity": "4 - Minor",
      "status": "Closed",
      "subject": "Axway Support Portal API - Example",
      "type": "Support Case"

In this example, we retrieved the most recently updated support case for our organization. We used the List Cases method.