Add Note

2 minute read

Add a note to an existing Axway Support case.




Add Note requests come in two forms: simple and full. Simple requests allow you to send just the note information. Full requests allow you to attach files.

Add Note - Simple

Send the note information directly as the HTTP entity-body.

Consumes: application/json


Name Type Data Type Required Allow Multiple Description
n/a body CaseNote yes no Details of the note to be added.


    "description": "A sample description.",
    "subject": "Add case note via Axway Support Portal API.",
    "caseId": "00######",
    "contact": ""

Add Note - Full

Allows for optionally attaching files to the case note.

Each part of the request entity must contain a Content-Disposition header field. The Content-Disposition header field must contain a name parameter. The value of the name parameter must be either initializer or attachment. In the latter case, the Content-Disposition header field must contain a filename parameter.


Name Type Data Type Required Allow Multiple Description
initializer body part CaseNote yes no Details of the case to be created.
attachment body part file no yes File to attach to the case.


  • Maximum number of attached files: 5.
  • Maximum size of an attached file: 20 megabytes.


The example below shows a request to add a note and attach two files to it, README.TXT and EXAMPLE.TXT.

POST /sphere/api/v1/note HTTP/1.1
Host: <omitted>
Connection: <omitted>
Authorization: <omitted>
Accept: <omitted>
User-Agent: <omitted>
Content-Length: 863
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=c-SaFVSu9pm0M-ZO7FhYhfWbdXO9HeRbKgVVfoJ

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="initializer"; filename="addNoteWithAttachments.json"
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

  "description": "A note with attachments added at note-creation tome.",
  "subject": "Add note with attachments.",
  "caseId": "00######",
  "contact": ""

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment"; filename="README.TXT"
Content-Type: application/txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

An example README file.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment"; filename="EXAMPLE.TXT"
Content-Type: application/txt
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

Add note with attachments example.



HTTP status code: 201


Type Data Type Description
body CaseNote Details of the added note.

Unsuccessful responses


Type Data Type Description
body ErrorResponse Details of the error that occurred.