Wireshark tracing for Kerberos authentication

Use Wireshark to view the SPNEGO token data sent between a Kerberos client and service when the client authenticates to the service.

4 minute read

You can use Wireshark, a third-party trace tool, to view the SPNEGO token data sent between a Kerberos client and service when the client authenticates to the service. For more details on Wireshark and to download and install the program, go to Wireshark web page.

In SPNEGO Kerberos authentication, Kerberos tokens are sent between the client and service using the Authorization HTTP header. Wireshark can parse, decrypt, and view the content of these tokens.

Because Wireshark can trace any application acting either as the Kerberos client or service, the information in this section is applicable for both API Gateway and third-party applications.

Use Wireshark to trace authentication between the client and service

SPNEGO tokens are used only for the Client-Server Authentication Exchange (the AP_REQ and AP_REP Kerberos messages) between the client and service. The AP_REP the Kerberos client sends to the Kerberos service contains a service ticket encrypted with the service’s secret key. To view this data decrypted, you must import the service’s keytab to Wireshark.

The messages sent between the client and the KDC to acquire TGTs and service tickets are not covered by SPNEGO. For information on how to view these messages in Wireshark, see Use Wireshark to trace Authentication Service Exchange and Ticket-Granting Service Exchange.

Import a Kerberos service keytab file into Wireshark

  1. If you do not yet have a keytab file for your Kerberos service, create one by running the following command on the Windows Domain Controller:

    ktpass -princ <Kerberos service>@<Kerberos realm> -pass ****** -out wireshark.keytab -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL

    For example:

    ktpass -princ ServiceGateway@AXWAY.COM -pass ****** -out wireshark.keytab -ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL
  2. In Wireshark, click Edit > Preferences > Protocols > KRB5.

  3. Click Browse, and select the keytab file of your Kerberos service.

    Wireshark Preferences page

  4. Select Try to decrypt Kerberos blobs, and click Apply.

  5. Click OK.

Capture and analyze a Wireshark trace

If you have the Kerberos client and Kerberos service running on separate machines, run Wireshark on the same machine as the Kerberos client.

  1. Start a Wireshark capture with the following filter:

    ip.addr==<ip address of the machine running Kerberos service> and kerberos

    For example:

    ip.addr== and kerberos
  2. Send a message from the Kerberos client to the Kerberos service.

    The Kerberos client calls the Kerberos service on the configured path (for example, POST /service in the Wireshark trace details).

    Wireshark trace details example

  3. Select one of the POST /<path> lines in the top panel, and open the Hypertext Transfer Protocol in the lower panel.

  4. To view the contents of the SPNEGO token sent from the Kerberos client to the Kerberos service, open the Authorization HTTP header. For example:

    Example SPNEGO token contents

  5. To view the response SPNEGO token the Kerberos service sends to the Kerberos client in the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header, select one of the HTTP/1.1 200 OK lines in the top panel, and expand the Hypertext Transfer Protocol in the lower panel. For example:

    Example response SPNEGO token contents

  6. When tracing credential delegation, you must set the forwardable flag and the delegFlag in the reqFlag to true in the tickets.


Use Wireshark to trace Authentication Service Exchange and Ticket-Granting Service Exchange

You can use Wireshark to trace the Kerberos traffic between the Kerberos client and the Kerberos KDC (Windows Domain Controller). This traffic relates to the Kerberos Authentication Service Exchange (AS-REQ and AS-REP) and the Ticket-Granting Service Exchange (TGS-REQ and TGS-REP) when the client requests the TGT and service ticket.

If you have the Kerberos client and Kerberos service running on separate machines, run Wireshark on the same machine as the Kerberos client.

  1. Start a Wireshark capture with the following filter:

    ip.addr==<ip address of the Windows Domain Controller> and kerberos

    For example:

    ip.addr== and kerberos
  2. Restart API Gateway running the Kerberos client. If the Kerberos client is a 3rd party application, you most likely need to restart the application as well to ensure that a cached TGT and service ticket are not used.

  3. Send a message from the Kerberos client to the Kerberos service.

The Kerberos traffic is as follows:

Example Kerberos traffice

  • The AS-REQ and AS-REP are generated at the startup of API Gateway, because this is when the TGT for the Kerberos client is requested from the KDC. The TGT is only re-requested when it expires, because the TGT is cached in API Gateway.
  • The TGS-REQ and TGS-REP are created when the Kerberos client sends a message to the Kerberos service to request the service ticket for the Kerberos service. The TGS-REQ is only sent from the Kerberos client on the first request, or when the service ticket has expired, because the service ticket is cached in API Gateway.
  • The service ticket is encrypted with the secret key of the Kerberos service. To view the content decrypted, you must have the keytab of the Kerberos service imported in the Wireshark. See Use Wireshark to trace SPNEGO Kerberos authentication between the client and service.
Last modified November 22, 2019: Restore anchor of a title (4894c178)