Troubleshooting for Operational Insights

Troubleshoot problems you might encounter when configuring and running Operational Insights.

9 minute read

Verify data is flowing real-time

An important aspect of Operational Insights solution is to store the API requests as fast as possible in Elasticsearch, so that they are available in real-time in the API Gateway Traffic Monitor or in the Kibana dashboard. If your setup cannot process the log information fast enough, data will not be real-time and log information might be lost.

Verify that processes or containers are running

From within your project’s folder, where the docker compose.yml file is located, run the following:

docker compose inspect

The status of each container is shown depending on the services you enabled and disabled.

Name Command State Ports
apigateway-openlogging-elk_elk-traffic-monitor-api_1_3fbba4deea37 node Up (healthy)>8080/tcp
apigateway-openlogging-elk_filebeat_1_3ad3117a1312 /usr/local/bin/docker-entr … Up>9000/tcp
apigateway-openlogging-elk_logstash_1_c6227859a9a4 /usr/local/bin/docker-entr … Up>5044/tcp, 9600/tcp
elasticsearch1 /usr/local/bin/docker-entr … Up>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp

Verify Filebeat is receiving data

Check the filebeat log file within the running docker container.

docker exec -it apigateway-openlogging-elk_filebeat_1_3ad3117a1312 bash
cd logs
tail -f filebeat

Verify the Filebeat harvester is started on the open traffic files:

INFO    log/harvester.go:251    Harvester started for file: /var/log/work/group-2_instance-1_traffic.log

The following error means that Logstash is not running or reachable, or just not yet fully started:

ERROR   pipeline/output.go:100  Failed to connect to backoff(async(tcp://logstash:5044)): lookup logstash on no such host

If you do not see any errors after the harvester process is started, you can assume your files are processed. If the harvester does not start, you might need to validate that the Open Traffic Event log files are visible by listing the following directory within the running container:

ls -l /var/log/work
-rw-rw-r--. 1 filebeat filebeat  2941509 Aug 13 12:38 group-2_instance-1_traffic.log
-rw-rw-r--. 1 filebeat filebeat 20972249 Jul  7 19:32 group-2_instance-1_traffic_2020-07-07-1.log
-rw-rw-r--. 1 filebeat filebeat 20972436 Jul  8 18:08 group-2_instance-1_traffic_2020-07-08-1.log
-rw-rw-r--. 1 filebeat filebeat 20972005 Jul 17 07:32 group-2_instance-1_traffic_2020-07-17-1.log

Verify Logstash processing

Logstash writes to stdout, so you can view some log information by running the following:

docker logs logstash -f

If Logstash has successfully started, you should see the following result:

docker logs logstash
Pipelines running {:count=>6, :running_pipelines=>[:".monitoring-logstash", :DomainAudit, :Events, :TraceMessages, :BeatsInput, :OpenTraffic], :non_running_pipelines=>[]}
Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}

If you see the following or similar error messages during the processing of events, then API Builder lookup API cannot be reached. In this case, ensure the environment variable API_BUILDER_URL is set correctly.

[2020-08-19T10:51:05,671][ERROR][logstash.filters.http    ][main][......] error during HTTP request {:url=>"/api/elk/v1/api/lookup/api", :body=>nil, :client_error=>"Target host is not specified"}

Verify Admin Node Manager is running

If the Admin node manager (ANM) does not fetch the data from Elasticsearch by way of API Builder, it is recommended to check the ANM trace file. Possibly errors like the following are logged in the trace file:

ERROR   07/Dec/2020:01:43:19.769 [262e:27ebcd5f0601b4bda7f620b5]         java exception: 
java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal character in path at index 0: [invalid field]/api/elk/v1/api/router/service/instance-1/ops/search?format=json&field=leg&value=0&count=1000&ago=24h&protocol=http

In this case, the environment variable API_BUILDER_URL is not set for the ANM process.

Verify Elasticsearch processing

Run the following command to monitor when the process starts:

docker logs elasticsearch1 --follow

When Elasticsearch has started you should see the following message:

"level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService", "": "elasticsearch", "": "elasticsearch1", "message": "Cluster health status changed from [RED] to [YELLOW] (reason: [shards started [[.kibana_1][0]]]).", "cluster.uuid": "k22kMiq4R12I7BSTD87n5Q", "": "6TVkdA-YR7epgV39dZNG2g"  }

Status YELLOW is expected when running Elasticsearch on a single node, as it cannot achieve the desired replicas. You might want to use Kibana Development tools or CURL to get additional information.

Virtual memory

The following error is shown when virtual memory is too low:

ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed
[1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

Run the following to increase it temporarily:

sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Alternatively, you can also run:

sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf
add vm.max_map_count=262144
sudo service sysctl restart

No results observed from Elasticsearch

If you do not retrieve any results from Elasticsearch for valid queries, an index template might not be applied correctly during index creation.

Elasticsearch does not execute queries on the original document, rather on the indexed fields. How these were indexed is defined by an index mapping. For this purpose, Operational Insights delivers an index template for each index, which is used when the index is created.

You can find the index mapping in the API Builder container, elasticsearch_config/<index-name>/index_template.json or you can find it in the apibuilder4elastic/elasticsearch_config directory.

To check whether the index mapping was applied correctly to an index, execute the following request. For example the Traffic-Summary index:


Then, check whether properties mappings defined in the configuration mentioned above have been applied to the index.

Verify API Builder processing

To verify that the API Builder docker container is running, run:

docker logs apibuilder4elastic --follow

If the container is running you should see the following message:

docker logs apibuilder4elastic --follow

Verify requests from Admin node manager

When using the API Gateway Traffic Monitor to monitor requests and having the Admin Node Manager reconfigured you should see how API-Builder is processing the requests:

Request {"method":"GET","url":"/api/elk/v1/api/router/service/instance-1/ops/search?format=json&field=leg&value=0&count=1000&ago=10m&protocol=http","headers":{"host":"localhost:8889","max-forwards":"20","via":"1.0 api-env (Gateway)","accept":"application/json","accept-language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","cookie":"cookie_pressed_153=false; t3-admin-tour-firstshow=1; VIDUSR=1584691147-TE1M3vI9BFWgkA%3d%3d; layout_type=table; portal.logintypesso=false; portal.demo=off; portal.isgridSortIgnoreCase=on; 6e7e1bb1dd446d4cd36889414ccb4cb7=8g9p3kh27t1se22lu6avkmu0a1; joomla_user_state=logged_in; 220b750abfbc8d2f2f878161bab0ab65=62gr71dkre858nc0gjldri18gt","csrf-token":"8E96374767C47BFADC9C606FF969D7CF56FB3F9523E41B34F3B3B269F7302646","referer":"https://api-env:8090/","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0","x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest","connection":"close","x-correlationid":"Id-fd7c745ebfaed039b2155481 1"},"remoteAddress":"::ffff:","remotePort":55916}

Response {"statusCode":200,"headers":{"server":"API Builder/4.25.0","request-id":"35fb859d-00b0-404b-97e6-b549db17f84c","x-xss-protection":"1; mode=block","x-frame-options":"DENY","surrogate-control":"no-store","cache-control":"no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate","pragma":"no-cache","expires":"0","x-content-type-options":"nosniff","start-time":"1584692477587","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","response-time":"408","content-md5":"e306ea2d930a3b80f0e91a29131d520b","content-length":"267","etag":"W/\"10b-2N+JsHuxDxMVKhJR1A8GuNGnKDQ\"","vary":"Accept-Encoding"}}

If you do not see any requests arriving in API builder, the ANM might not be able to reach the API builder listen socket, but traffic information will still be displayed because, in this case, the OpsDB will be used. In this scenario, check the ANM trace log.

Check queries sent to ElasticSearch

To see queries that are sent to ElasticSearch by API Builder, you must run the Docker container with LOG_LEVEL=debug. You can activate debug in your .env file. This outputs the following in in the console of API Builder:

Using elastic search query body: {"index":"logstash-openlog","body":{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"timestampOriginal":{"gt":1587541496568}}},{"term":{"processInfo.serviceId":"instance-1"}}]}}},"size":"1000","sort":""}

This helps you to further analyze if ElasticSearch is returning the correct information, for instance, using the Kibana development console.

ILM rollover alias error

If the solution is configured with different regions, you might see the following error in Kibana or in the Elasticsearch logs:

index.lifecycle.rollover_alias [apigw-traffic-summary] does not point to index [apigw-traffic-summary-us-dc1-000002]

When an index is rolled, for example, because of the size of the configuration, time has been reached or because of an update, a new index is created based on the corresponding index template. In this template, the ILM rollover alias is configured, which does not match the index if it is regional. API Builder checks periodically (every 10 minutes) if the ILM rollover alias is correct and adjusts it if necessary. You can also start this modification manually:

docker exec apibuilder4elastic wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost:8443/api/elk/v1/api/setup/index/rolloverAlias -O/dev/null

Additionally you may set the index rollover alias to the correct value using for example this request:

PUT /apigw-trace-messages-eu-000001/_settings
  "index" : {
    "lifecycle.rollover_alias" : "apigw-trace-messages-eu"

Check caching

The solution uses Memcached in API Builder and Logstash to avoid unnecessary duplicate queries for APIs and users. To check if entries are cached correctly, you can connect to Memcached via telnet localhost 11211. The following are examples on how to use it.

Get slabs

Memcache is storing the data into slabs.

stats cachedump 2 0
ITEM ignoredAPIs:###Health Check [19 b; 1610535266 s]
ITEM ignoredAPIs:/healthcheck### [19 b; 1610535266 s]
ITEM index_status:events###N/A [27 b; 1610538266 s]
ITEM index_status:trace###N/A [27 b; 1610538266 s]
ITEM index_status:openlog###N/A [27 b; 1610538266 s]

You might also try stats cachedump 1 0 instead.

To get a key, for instance, the version check status, run:

get version_status:versionCheck
VALUE version_status:versionCheck 1 89
   message:ETI"'Filebeat and Logstash version okay;TI"versionStatus;TI"ok;T

For more information, see Accessing Memcached from the command line, and PHPMemcachedAdmin to get insights about the Memcache instance.

Certificate error Admin Node Manager to API Builder

If you have errors connecting from the Admin Node Manager to the API Builder, ensure the Admin Node Manager has imported the correct CA. If you connect to API Builder using a hostname other than apibuilder4elastic, you might receive the following error message:

The certificate was not issued by the domain issuer

To solve this issue, you can create a remote host and disable the hostname validation (Verify server’s certificate matches requested hostname), or you can use your own matching keys and certificates).

Another reason for issues with connecting, might be a missing or expired license for the Admin Node Manager.

Filebeat - Failure to publish events

If you see the following error message in the filebeat log, it means that Logstash could not accept any more events or that Elasticsearch cluster can not process any more events.

failed to publish events: write tcp> write: connection reset by peer

The following list some options to check the issue:

  • Check the CPU utilization of the Logstash nodes. Restart them if necessary.
  • Update to randomise the logstash host order on every filebeat.
  • Check that the Logstash instances have configured all available Elasticsearch nodes.
  • Add more Logstash nodes on a test basis, if that doe not improve things, add an Elasticsearch node.

Kibana - Missing long term statistics

If the Quarterly and Yearly API request processing dashboards do not display any data, check if the apigw-traffic-summary-hourly-v<n> transform job is running. The APIBuilder4Elastic application tries to create this job every hour. You can also start this with the following API request in the API Builder container:

docker exec apibuilder4elastic wget --no-check-certificate https://localhost:8443/api/elk/v1/api/setup/transform/apigw-traffic-summary

If the job exists, check if the apigw-hourly-traffic-summary-00000<n> index exists. If not, stop the transform job and start it again. If necessary check the messages of the transform job. If the index exists but does not contain any documents, delete it and restart the transform job.

Finally, you can check if the apigw-hourly-traffic-summary* index pattern exists. If not, reimport the Kibana dashboard configuration, Axway-api-overview.ndjson.

If the API status history and API Gateway status history in the Quarterly or Yearly dashboards are not shown, perform the following.

  • Stop and delete the transform job: apigw-traffic-summary-hourly-v<n>
  • Delete the hourly index: apigw-hourly-traffic-summary-00000<n>

Then, either wait for, maximum, 60 minutes until API Builder has recreated the transform, or call the REST API as shown above.

The main cause of this problem is the way the http.status field is indexed. If no documents have been received after the upgrade and initial creation of the transformation job, the transformation does not correctly index the http.status.keyword field.

Too many API Manager lookups

API and Application details are looked up as part of the Logstash pipeline from the API Manager using a APIBuilder4Elastic REST API. The obtained details are cached by Logstash using Memcache. If lookups are regularly performed, this might be caused by APIs which have a path parameter (for example, /api/v1/cusomer/323213). Because the path parameter makes the API path dynamic, it prevents Logstash from caching it. In this case, you need to help the implementation by setting up the parameter, CACHE_API_PATHS.